The Christian is someone who has victory of sin and death because of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the completed work of Christ each believer has hope because Jesus has won the victory. This word was given at the Burial …
The Christian is someone who has victory of sin and death because of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the completed work of Christ each believer has hope because Jesus has won the victory. This word was given at the Burial …
God desires for all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. In this Gospel preaching you will hear an account form the book of the Acts when the Apostle Peter begun to share the Gospel …
Hezekiah was a king of Judah and the scriptures says he did what was right in the sight of the Lord. We can learn a lot from Hezekiah and in this Address you will hear about his reign and the things he did to cleanses the House of God.
In this preaching you will hear from the scriptures about the key points of the Gospel. The writer of the Hebrews tells us that once in the consummation of the ages Jesus came into the world to bring salvation to …
God has proved a Saviour for sinners, his son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to this Gospel preaching and discover what Jesus has done to save you.
In this address, you will hear of four examples from the scriptures where God shows wonderful provision for his people. This year has been a challenging time for all people but God always provides a way through for his people to serve him.
The Lord desires for each beliver to grow in their Christian life and bear fruit. In this address, you will hear about the growth of the Chrisitan.
The coming of Jesus was in prophecy in the Old Testament hundreds of years before he was born. In fact, there are over 400 prophecies in the old testament that were fulfilled by Jesus when he lived on the earth. Listen to this address, to learn more about The Spirit of Prophecy and the testimony of Jesus.
Many prophets and faithful men of God announced the coming of the Christ, God’s anointed one. God’s word remains unchanged and today the scriptures still clearly point to the Lord Jesus as God’s Anointed One. Listen to this message and discover how God has made Jesus, who was crucified, both Lord and Christ.