What is the Gospel?

Everyday a newspaper is printed; with pages and pages of news – mostly bad, but sometimes there is a little good news. However in the whole history of the world there has only been one piece of Good News that stands out amongst everything else.

 This good news is called the Gospel, and the Gospel is all about Jesus Christ!

 Jesus came to this earth over 2000 years ago on a rescue mission. If we take a look around us today or even back in history we see one big barrier separating us from a holy and righteous God. That barrier is “SIN”. It may only be a three letter word, but it is what is separating YOU from God. The Bible tells us that “ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23) That includes you! And the Bible also tells us that “the wages of sin [is] death;” (Romans 6:23)

Now that IS a problem…

This sin-barrier is too much for us to take on ourselves. In fact there is no way we can remove it on our own. That is why God sent someone to REMOVE it completely, a Saviour; Jesus Christ. God sent His OWN Son Jesus, to die in your place. He was crucified on a cross and shed His blood for YOU!

 But that is not the END! Three days later Jesus arose….

Because Jesus was perfect, nothing could keep Him in death, and He is living today. How amazing – the Saviour of the human race has brought salvation which is available to all! Jesus shed His precious blood! By this great sacrifice God is able to cleanse.

Amazing! “the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7)

To receive this great Salvation the Bible tells us to REPENT and BELIEVE. To repent means to be willing to change, to turn from your sins and depend totally on the Lord Jesus Christ in faith and “whosoever believes on him may not perish, but have life eternal.” John 3:16.

Click play below to hear a Gospel preaching explaining the Gospel.

What is the Gospel?

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