Many people today make all sorts of plans for their careers, businesses, education, and family. But what about your soul? What is your plan for eternity? Your soul is worth more than all the wealth in the world combined. God loved you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, as a Saviour to redeem you from your sins.
Jesus warns us of the danger that awaits if our lives are not built on a solid foundation. In this Gospel message, you will hear of two men: one who built his house on the rock and another who built …
In this Gospel preaching you will hear from God’s word about a Warning, an Invitation, and a Promise.
If you ask people whether they want to go to heaven, the answer will often be yes. Many individuals have charted their own paths toward this goal, believing they are on the right road. However, the Bible tells us that there is only one way to heaven. What is this way? Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
In this address you will hear about the things that God is doing at the present time. From the scriptures read you will hear what God the Father is doing, what the Holy Spirit is doing and what the Lord Jesus is doing.
Little Flock Hymns
The Christian has someone to sing about, the Lord Jesus and his victory. Hymns are a great avenue to praise and worship our God and loving Saviour. Below is an archive of recordings of Hymns and Spiritual Songs from the Little …
The Gospel of Jesus Christ and God’s plan of salvation are foreshadowed in the book of Genesis. After sin entered the world, God promised a Redeemer, saying the “seed of the woman” would crush the serpent’s head. This points to Jesus’ victory over sin and Satan, revealing God’s plan to save sinners from the coming judgment.
The Gospel is good news for mankind. God has provided a deliverer in Jesus Christ, and by putting your faith and trust in Him, there is peace with God and the forgiveness of sins. At the cross, Jesus laid down His life for you, that you might be delivered from the kingdom of darkness and translated into the kingdom of the Son of His love.
Every one of us needs an anchor for our souls. Where can that anchor be found? The Bible tells us that this anchor is found in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.