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“The Best News”

Preachers Corner https://www.preacherscorner.org.uk

Each day a Newspaper is printed. With pages and pages of news some mostly bad and sometimes there is a little good news. But in the whole history of the world there has only been one piece of Good News that stands out among it all. That is the “Gospel”! The Gospel is all about Jesus Christ! Who came to this earth over 2000 years ago on a rescue mission.

Bible Scriptures:-

John 13:1 “Now before the feast of the passover, Jesus, knowing that his hour had come that he should depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, loved them to the end.”

Hebrews 5:7-11Who in the days of his flesh, having offered up both supplications and entreaties to him who was able to save him out of death, with strong crying and tears; (and having been heard because of his piety;)though he were Son, he learned obedience from the things which he suffered;and having been perfected, became to all them that obey him, author of eternal salvation;10 addressed by God [as] high priest according to the order of Melchisedec.11 Concerning whom we have much to say, and hard to be interpreted in speaking [of it], since ye are become dull in hearing.”

Luke 22:39-4439 And going forth he went according to his custom to the mount of Olives, and the disciples also followed him.40 And when he was at the place he said to them, Pray that ye enter not into temptation.41 And he was withdrawn from them about a stone’s throw, and having knelt down he prayed,42 saying, Father, if thou wilt remove this cup from me:—but then, not my will, but thine be done.43 And an angel appeared to him from heaven strengthening him.44 And being in conflict he prayed more intently. And his sweat became as great drops of blood, falling down upon the earth.”


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